Poetry workshop!
Photo by Itay Kabalo on Unsplash
While the world goes mad, on this coming Wednesday the 1st of May we start up our workshop group again for the summer term.
This is a long-running group — it’s been through many changes of location and membership in the past fifteen years — from a pub next to Bunhill Row Dissenters’ cemetery, where we literally looked out over William Blake’s grave, to the Free Word Centre, to Zoom.
It’s a friendly and supportive and very small group, hungry for some new poets, more feedback, fresh outlooks— we want your poems! We want you!
Group members have been published, unpublished, young, old, and have covered a huge swathe of poetry styles. What they share is an open outlook, a respect for everybody and everybody’s work, and a sense of the importance of the project. We talk about general poetry-scene and publishing-related subjects and events, too.
Here’s how it works. Alternate Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Everybody gets to share their work every session. Poetry is the laboratory of the language, so please bring us your smoking test tubes (or just your vape)! Rhyme, cutout, metrical weirdness, surreal visions, love poems to your cat, rants, politics, religion, food, whatever you’ve got. We’re here.
The group meets on alternate Wednesdays till 25 July. The fee is £150 per term. This has remained the same since the pandemic, and as always, if it’s a stretch for you, please let me know and we’ll work something out.
And if a group isn’t your scene, do contact me about one-to-one mentoring or feedback on your work. See down the Workshops page for more info.
Drop me a note to join, or with any questions.