Talk poetry this weekend!
The annual TS Eliot Prize Shortlist Workshop starts tomorrow morning - and what a shortlist it is!
Poetry workshop!
New Book! Count-down begins
Read. Talk. Thursday.
Poem Talk & time travel
Change your life
TS Eliot Prize workshop
Rediscovering poetry
In the green boat: RIP Peter Scupham
May Day: life, magic, work
Putting a Patchen on it
Poets of the world unite
Baroque in Hackney is no longer.
But I’m back online, in A Room of Someone Else’s. Intermittent posts on arts, culture, politics, the odd funny story (I hope) and updates from the cost of living crisis.
“I'm a poet, essayist & blogger starting a new life after being forced from my home by rising rents. My book on homelessness, displacement & precarity will be published by CB Editions. In the meantime, here's where I'm writing about my new world.”
If you have experience of homelessness or precarity and would like to be on the paid email list, please let me know.