Critical poetry workshop:
Currently on hiatus, Sept 2024
Poem Talk:
close-reading, a poem a week
Thursday lunch-hour
Thursday lunch hours may never be the same again! Steal them back, one poem at a time.
We read one brilliant poem, talk about it in depth, and go back into the afternoon feeling like our brains have had a little holiday. Join us!
Autumn 2024:
26 September to 31 October
Thursdays, 1-1.45pm, on Zoom
£45/30 concession
Drop me a line to join
Running now:
People say:
“Enthusiastic and energetic, Katy conjures magic from her workshops. Whatever your level of experience, you will get a belief in the power of close and wide reading to help you generate poems, and a zip and zing in your words.”
—Rishi, workshop member
“A near perfect day… Like would-be jewellers we held their poems up to the light to examine how they did it and how we might follow”
Katy Evans-Bush learned her trade from the best and made them proud. There's no surer guide through the labyrinth of poetic composition. Bag yourself some form, focus, polish and kindly encouragement.
—Joseph, journalist
“Katy has proved quite invaluable, helping me tighten and loosen my writing, always sensitive to what can be improved, and helped me along the way to getting my poems published”
—Gary, 1-1 client
Creative writing facilitator:
Adult education
I’ve been facilitating writing workshops of different kinds since 2009. I’ve taught classes independently, for The Poetry School and for the City Lit, and for two years I ran the Advanced Poetry Workshop at Morley College.
I’ve run workshops on poetry, blogging, creative non-fiction, and getting started on story-writing.
I’ve worked with adults on writing for the web, and I’ve helped small businesses discover a ‘voice’ for their blogs and websites.
Contact me if you’d like me to run a workshop for your event, group, class or workplace.
I go into schools and work with kids to think about writing in a new way: poems or stories or creative nonfiction. On daring to be creative, on messy first drafts, on saying something important, on playing with words, on how to make a story. On typewriters. On long scrolls of paper.
For a year I volunteered twice a week with the Hackney Pirates, an after-school literacy club for kids who are under-performing at primary level.
Get in touch if you’d like me to come and do a session at your school.
I’ve been running poetry workshops independently since 2009. We’re on Zoom since the pandemic, so members can join from wherever they are. Mu y core groups are described below, and I sometimes run one-off groups on specific themes.
Since 2012 I’ve been giving an annual workshop in January on the ten poetry books shortlisted for the TS Eliot Prize, over the weekend before the award announcement.
Below you’ll see a sign-up box for my newsletter, and this is where I make announcements about upcoming workshops and projects. So sign up if you’re interested!
In any case, get in touch if you’d like more information or to join.
Some info:
All my workshops are now on Zoom now, so you can join from wherever you are.
If a course doesn’t say ‘poetry’ on it, it’s good for writers of short fiction and creative non-fiction as well as poets
My workshops are all about you gaining the tools to write more like you want to—not about any particular style or kind of writing.
If you’re struggling for money, please speak to me.

A Room of Someone Else’s:
Baroque in Hackney is no longer.
But I’m back online, in A Room of Someone Else’s. Intermittent posts on arts, culture, politics, the odd funny story (I hope) and updates from the cost of living crisis.
“I'm a poet, essayist & blogger starting a new life after being forced from my home by rising rents. My book on homelessness, displacement & precarity will be published by CB Editions. In the meantime, here's where I'm writing about my new world.”
If you have experience of homelessness or precarity and would like to be on the paid email list, please let me know.